Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Stacey and Evaristo

01-25-2012. This one was interesting because on the left is Evaristo. In High School we all called him Junior. I knew Junior, who is a pretty cool cat, and he hasn't changed a lot. Maybe a few more lines, a bit shorter hair... but what made sketching him harder was the fact that his head was cocked at an angle. It makes it a bit harder to eyeball and get the proportions somewhat on (if that's what you're looking for). So I had THAT bit of messing with my mind. Now, on the other hand (and side of the paper) is his wife, Stacey. I'd never met Stacey before Evaristo brought her to our class reunion (I won't say which one, I wouldn't want to embarrass him...) *grin* but I'm glad he did, because she's become a pretty good over the 'net friend. BUT... I met her once. So I'm not familiar with her at all in a three dimensional capacity. While she was unfamiliar, she was easier because her head was pretty vertical. Like I said. Good practice. Good peeps. :)

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