Sunday, January 15, 2012


01-15-2012. This beautiful little baby belongs to my friend Melinda. The reason for the melodrama up there^^ is that I almost did it again. I've had several conversations with fellow art type people about drawing. One of the ...well, not rules... but one of the things you HAVE to remember is that when you're drawing a baby, LEAVE OFF THE EXCESS SHADING AND LINES. Babies are smooth. I know, because every. Time. I'd try to sketch a baby... yeah... I'd over do it and suddenly they're looking like really odd 50 year olds. *sigh* As you can see, I started adding in shading and had to slap my hand because I almost did it again. Too much black, too much dark. I think I'ma have to come back and do some more babies.

A thought... possibly because they're so smooth and wrinkle-less etc. it FEELS like I need to add something else?

Anyhoo, as an aside, another thought popped into my head the other night. And that was that I'm happy that I started doing this sketching trip. For a while there, using a grid as a support to sketch out portraits I started losing any confidence in my ability to freehand people (and things) in a recognizable manner. This has given me back that confidence that I can do it, I just need to keep practicing.

So.. Yay. :)

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