Friday, August 31, 2012

Blog Problems...


I've been having some problems with the Blog for the past several days. Unable to upload any photos. But I've still been sketching around the train. The next several days though, I'm going to be at home (long weekend for the holiday) so we'll see what other somewhat interesting stuff I can come up with. ;-)

Monday, August 27, 2012


It's always a bit nerve-wracking sketching a fellow artist...thinking "what will they think, how will they critique it!?! WILL THEY LIKE IT!?! Sort of like dating a dentist and never wanting to smile, for fear they'll take a look at you and start extolling the benefits of flossing or braces. And then you give yourself a mental head slap and say "Hey, dummy, it's just a SKETCH. For FUN." (and of course for practice, but in the end it's all about the fun...) Plus, let's face it, not everyone's going to like everything you do. :-)

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A new project...

Remember that project that I was working on before? Yeah. I decided to go larger with the faces, to be able to get the detail in that I wanted. Or the lack of detail. Whichever way it decides to go, I sketched it out this time on a roll of tracing paper that I had, so that if I goofed up somewhere down the line and started hating it, I could skip this step again. I was thinking making one an ink line drawing, and one a painting. We shall see, we shall see... :-)

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Well... an African Painted Dog. I had some fun at the zoo. While I was going to sit and sketch some more, it got a bit too crowded with humans coming and going, so I settled for this for the moment. Which I liked. The lines seemed to come fairly easy, even with little kids running around me and bumping into me... :-)

Friday, August 24, 2012


Finally my guys are looking different than each other. Personalities! who'da thunk it?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Over and over again

Today, you can see by the many pencil marks, was a day of people and out of the trains over and over and over. Not too easy to get a full sketch in. Pretty much near impossible. Blocked, turning, moving. But at least it was fun. :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Monday, August 20, 2012


Yeah.... not too thrilled with this guy today. But then sometimes it's like that. :-)

Sunday, August 19, 2012

a pen and three inches of paper

Today I tucked my mini sketchbook in my camera bag and wandered off to the art museum. On the train I saw this guy sitting there snoozing and pulled it out and got a pretty fun sketch in. :-)

Saturday, August 18, 2012


My brother. It looks like a cool sketch...and to me it is. Also, I see things about it that make it NOT look like him. This is where separating what you think and what you know is a good idea. Since I used him and didn't sketch him at his request as a portrait, I lean toward being happier. And am currently shutting down that particular part of me that said "Hey, it doesn't look exactly like him." :-)

Friday, August 17, 2012


The guy today sorta reminded me of Grizzly Adams. Well, a bit more groomed. And that lady had a LOT of hair... :-)

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Yup, just a jumble of people from different times and places on the train. Not too many happy people on there. You'd think since it was Thursday.... :-)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Mr. Guy With The Glasses had some extremely thick frames, which I found interesting, because the weight of them (appearance wise) constituted more than a quick line. It called for two separate, distinct lines. And his lips were distinct, too. Very full and pouty. Even moreso than a femme fatale. So one little line wouldn't cut it. I like this one, for some reason. :-)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


She. Didn't. Move. The entire ride. I hope she woke up in time to get off.....

Monday, August 13, 2012

Four faces

Today I started sketching people... I'd start on the head, and when he/she got blocked, I'd skip over to another person and go back and forth between the heads as I could see them (it was a busy morning and afternoon on the train). It was fun. I never got to the pen point, hence the bad photo, but... :-)

Sunday, August 12, 2012


 Yes, I took a vacation. But only for a few days. This sketch is from yesterday, the 11th. One thin marker and a real live model who was reading an article. It's a bit stiff in the presentation, but still rather nice all around, I think.
And today, I added in a thicker marker also. Happy? Yes, for the most part. Still a bit stiff, but  not too bad. Maybe the lack of the train took away some of the movement, but either way...:-)

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Three heads and a power outtage.

Today I did without my thicker marker pen. I just kept wanting to sketch heads. I also did without power for an hour or so. So I baked cookies. Hence the late posting. :-D

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


This lady was an excellent study today. She was sitting there knitting....not moving...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Day three...

In my new sketchbook, and so far not so bad... :-D I've managed to get a couple of people a day in, sketchwise, with some different faces. Or I'm getting better at sketching out the random train riders, because it's starting to feel like I'm not sketching the same random person over and over...

Sunday, August 5, 2012

A bit o art

I may well sketch something else today, but frankly, I'm a bit beat. I DID work on this today, though. Whether or not it's done... well, I sprayed fixative on it and I'll probably come back later and get a better gander at it to see if there's anything to be done to it. We shall see we shall see. :-)

Saturday, August 4, 2012


One of the cutest (if not THE cutest) babies I have ever seen... she looks like she's always in the middle of being tickled  and is laughing about it. I want that hat. :-D

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wild hair...

Well... it WAS wild hair. And totally fun to scribble...I mean draw. :) Two victims tonight, both totally engrossed in somethingoranother, so they were pretty still. Mr. Man DID keep getting his face blocked by some lady with a book. :-D

Thursday, August 2, 2012

another twofer

Today's trip home... a brand new sketchbook, a relatively empty train car, a semi grumpy man, and one that was totally oblivious of my intent... :-D

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

End of the book....

The very last page. Well, it's actually the back of the book, the inside cover. Tomorrow I shall get a new book and begin again....