Tuesday, May 31, 2011

123. Next door...

(05-31-2011. I was going to draw a cat that was sitting in the windows...but, well...I got a wee bit carried away.  Love these lines. It feeds my need for patterns, but I held the pen at the end, so the control was cut by well over 50%...more like 75%.  But it felt good in my gut. Just not my rear end. I was sitting on the cement ground...)


Monday, May 30, 2011


(05-30-2011.  Happy Holiday! My mother was an unwitting accomplice in my sketch-o-the-day. I got as far as I could, quickly, before she found me out and demanded to see the evidence...then said "Awwww!!! CYNDI!!!" [and not necessarily in a good way.] Addendum: as her vision is, well, crappy, the lenses were not able to reflect her eyes...hence the Little Orphan Annie look...)  :-D

Sunday, May 29, 2011


(05-29-2011. Today I decided that I wanted to go loose and fly blind [relatively...once again  peeked to refind the line]. Then one turned into two...then three...and fun was had by all.)

Saturday, May 28, 2011


(05-28-2011. Yes, more babies. Today I had to call the game because of rain.  Instead of getting soaked outside and cold to the bone [did I happen to mention my umbrella died the other day?] I stayed inside, played video games, did my laundry, and wished for good walking weather as I wanted to walk out the door and not stop for a good long time.  And I sketched.  Today's sketch is thanks to my friend Jason, who has some cute short relatives that call him dad. Thanks for letting me dig through your personal life.  This photo tickled me.)


Friday, May 27, 2011


(05-27-2011. Sometimes you just have to go with what your gut wants. I had no idea whatsoever to sketch today [yes, my book called to me once again.  What can I say, I'm hooked on books.] and my friend Eric graciously let me play in his photo albums on Facebook. I started out by drawing the top one, and was pretty satisfied for a quick drawing, but I had to go back in and let my fingers roam again. Short, simple, almost, if not, cartoonlike, the second sketch took a fraction of the time, but pleases me so much more. Could it be the hat?  The mustache? [both of which I am fascinated with, by the way...they make him look like a badass Texas Ranger...or maybe I've been watching too much Lone Wolf McQuade...] Either way, I'm pretty sure it's because my fun side wanted to play. Thanks, Eric, for the use of your face...)

Thursday, May 26, 2011


(05-26-2011.  Okay, since I was sitting around half the day waiting for a delivery and inside by choice the other half...who wants to be outside when it's blowing, cold, and rainy?...and I'm pretty sure by now you're tired of seeing my mug I thought I'd give my hand (and some fun) over to drawing the coats and drying jeans from yesterday.  Today I was going for definition through line thicknesses and a bit of angularity...is that a word?... in my fun.  I did keep looking at this one.)  :)

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Back to the train...

(05-25-2011. It must have been the day...rainy, dark... everyone was napping on the train on the way to work.  Including this guy.)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

116. Gimme a hand...

(05-24-2011. Never mind.  I've got one. Today was my fault entirely for not sketching on the train. But the book was SOO good. Okay, maybe not THAT good.  But I was almost at the end and wanted to see how it turned out.  So I did a blind drawing of my righty. I really didn't intend for it to be THAT big.  But at least I did a better job of keeping it more in proportion.)

Monday, May 23, 2011

115. Claire

(05-23-2011. An avid photographer, Claire is always good for some interesting sketching opportunities, as she has a phenomenal amount of exploratory self-portraits.)

Sunday, May 22, 2011

114. patterns

(05-22-2011. Cat moved, so it became more about what was around him. Which wound up being more fun, as it became about pattern and not subject so much.)


Saturday, May 21, 2011

113. Two pens

(05-21-2011.  I know, I know, not as exciting as it sounds.  The sandwich was good, though.)  ;-)

Friday, May 20, 2011

112. Train Peeps

(05-20-2011.  More just sketching vs. trying to meld things together.  Not sketched on the train for a bit makes it harder to jump back in... but jump one must. It's a lot easier when I go in a bit later, to get a seat and not be in the press of peeps.)

I've noticed that it might be worth it to ride at odder times.  It seems that the peeps riding the train down to work downtown during the normal rush hour can be a bit plain white bread.  It's harder to hold any interest when they just don't look interesting.


Thursday, May 19, 2011

111. Different strokes...

(05-19-2011. Some lines, I've found, work well for some things...not so well on others... welcome to experimentation land.  (:  This guy was one of those experiments gone wrong.  C'est la vie. On to the next one... )

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

110. Reminds me of Degas' bathing women

(05-18-2011. The train was crazy busy today when I was on it, so I couldn't juggle everything.  I pulled out my books and this lady's shape and pose reminded me of Degas' bathing women.)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


(05-17-2011. Blind drawing again today.  What can I say, it's fun!? And those shoestrings are reeeaaaallly harder than I thought they'd be to place.)  :)

Monday, May 16, 2011

108. Abstract Kitty?

(05-16-2011. Blind drawing my faithful familiar actually turned out somewhat interesting.  I left out the fur marks, and whittled it down to single lines.)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

107. Toes

(05-15-2011. Why do feet never seem graceful when drawn?  Why do they never seem graceful period?  Hmmm....)

Saturday, May 14, 2011

106. Oh, Brother!

(05-14-2011. Yes, my brother. On the train, staring up his nose.  A bit hard to do from this angle... sketching the face, not looking up the nose.  That was relatively easy. It's good to not necessarily sketch from the same angle all the time.)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Here kitty kitty

(04-13-2011.  Happy Friday the 13th.  I don't have a black cat, but I've got a white one for you... mid paw lick.)

104. Yesterday.....

(05-12-2011. An uncomfortable looking drawing.  An uncomfortable looking man on the train being drawn.  I hope he had a better day yesterday after he got of the train.)

Yesterday's photo had to be posted today as Blogger seemed to be having issues.  My bad.  Well...their Bad.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

103. Angry Lady

(05-11-2011. Okay, maybe she wasn't angry, but she did seem sort of peeved as I watched her standing at the streetlight.  Maybe she was mad she had to wait?  Hmm... dunno.  But she was fun to draw.)  :)

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

102. Bulls Man

(05-10-2011.  Bulls Man sat across from me reading...yep, you guessed it... a sports magazine the entire way to work. Sadly, he got off before I could write the Bulls on there, but hey, what other jersey is going to be WORN downtown Chicago?!?!)  :-D

Monday, May 9, 2011

blind drawing

05-09-2011. A Blind Drawing.  Suggestion: Never stop and then start a blind drawing.  It throws you for a loop.  I was drawing myself, and got the head done when my eyes were so tired they started bouncing all over and I was falling asleep.  I stopped, and after a bit picked up where I left off.  Notice the difference in sizes?  Yep, me too. I allotted myself a half hour for this, no more.  Usually I get done a lot faster, and believe it or not, a lot more off in my composition.  I was having flashes closer and closer together of "seeing" my pen ON me, tracing the contour.  It slows you down, definitely, but it also reads more true.)  :)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

100. Self-portrait

05-08-2011. Definitely not my best, but definitely not my worst. This time I did some experimenting with the background.  I'll blame it on the pain of some smashed fingers.  Even though they are on my right hand and had absolutely nothing to do with this.)  :-D

Saturday, May 7, 2011

99. Shades of a shade

(05-07-2011. Today I used no lines to delineate, just shadows.  It turned out pretty cool, I think, aside from the fact that toward the end my hand was getting a tad tired.)  :)

Friday, May 6, 2011

98. Sleepyhead

(05-06-2011. Poor guy was so sleepy this morning on the train.  He kept moving, couldn't get comfy.  But then who could with a briefcase as a pillow?!)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

97. It's a boy!

(05-05-2011. A male figure this time.  Not nearly as curvy, so it's a bit harder to keep the proportions on.  I was drawing and forgot where to put the elbow. heh.  I tried a yellow to make an incandescent like yellow glow on him.  I'm on the fence about that.  One thing is for sure...either I need to get a bigger sketchbook, or accept that if I do heads that small...picture the size of a Ken Doll, then the face is going to become a bit of a mess with the shadow in there.  A little harder to interpret.)

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Something new...

(05-04-2011. Today's sketch went a bit wonky.  But remember the mantra..."Love the Line". I added in this really cool water soluble pencils that I found yesterday.  They're called "Inktense".  The ink that I used wasn't waterfast, so it bled some with the water I used on the pencil.  Pretty cool.)  :)

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

95. Sketchy sketch sketch

(05-03-2011. A return to non-scribbly.  I like to practice it all, so I can have fun with it all...and not lose what I have gained by practice.)  :)

And for you... some flowers.  Yay, spring!!

Monday, May 2, 2011

94. The back of his head.

(05-02-2011. I finished the back of the elderly gent's head.  But not the lady.  She got off the train one stop too early.  So she looks a bit of a hot mess.  Ah well... practice.)  :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011

93. Seated

(05-01-2011. Sketching out of a book of poses that I have for the human form today.  I decided to try to go without the clothes to see if I could do it without failing.  Not too bad for not drawing a nude since college.)