Saturday, January 21, 2012

More Time Today...

01-21-2012. Today I stayed inside. It was a wee bit cold and hey, why go out if you don't have to when it's 20 degrees out? This is Amy again...along with her brother and Mom. Unfortunately, when I switched the sketchpad around to get everyone in there, I ran up against the spiral binding. I'm not crying foul, by any means... It was just an introduction to something new that I hadn't dealt with before. And so poor Amy suffered. Sketching in pen doesn't allow for covering over whoopsies, and bracing my hand to sketch the side of her face over didn't work very well. So while there aren't specific areas that I can point out that make her feel off, there are a bunch of small ones that compound to tweak the shape of her face enough that it doesn't work as well as the last time I sketched her. :-/  Ah well, we live, we learn, we draw.

1 comment:

  1. OH HOW I LOVE THIS.. Thank you so much Cyndi.. This turned out AMAZING.. You are such a sweetheart!!! XXXXOOOO
