Thursday, March 3, 2011


On the train this morning I got out my sketchbook and was happily sketching away on this guy when an older gent appeared from behind me and wandered right in front of my sitting guy and leaned up against the panel, with a few glimpses at me. I jumped down to what I COULD see of the sitting guy, thinking that this leaning man was about to get off the train (he DID after all, walk up and stand leaning next to the doors, which is proper protocol for El Riders).  Here's the odd part.  I packed my sketchbook back in when I got one stop from mine, and he walked back behind me to his original seat...where I noticed that there were a couple of bags sitting.  Now, here's the question:  Did he go there because he could look over and see me drawing and want to get IN the picture too?  Or did he want to for some odd reason block me from seeing Mr. Sitting dude?  We'll never know....
(03-03-2011.  Sitting guy was blind sketched with a finer-tipped pen while he was sipping at his coffee, oblivious to everything except the fact that it was Thursday and he was off to...?)

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