Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Today I am at home with a headcold, out of respect for the coworkers who DON'T want to be mouth breathers either.  Along with watching movies and the occasional bout with SuperMario Bros., I got a good idea from another friend from the artworld, Hans.  Who said something that I should've really caught....but then when you're right on top of something you never get a good perspective.  I've been trying to draw everything (edging back into that trying to be perfect thing) correctly, and by focusing on the separate parts, and all the extraneous lines to make up those parts, well, it's keeping things separate....

(03-29-2011.  Before the conversation... I like the roughness in this one.  And the fact that he's actually got some personality showing (he feels animated).  Of course, he WAS smiling and laughing. Great character in the crinkles...)

 (03-29-2011.  Maybe, just maybe, it might have to do with the age, and the personality, how things "feel" like they need to be drawn. A younger gent, a horn player...  and a bunch of eyes that I was goofing around with.)
 (03-29-2011.  After reading Hans' statement about the disassociated way he was reading my sketches.  I decided to try to simplify things... and might have done it on this first one....)
 (03-29-2011. Still not too bad.  Simplified.  But the line feeling isn't really there.  And her features are off a bit...)
(03-29-2011. More simplified.  And the features are on, but I'm not too sure.  At what point does it change to cartoonish?  Hmmm...These..these, grasshopper, are questions that we must ask ourselves...)

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