Friday, February 4, 2011

To the Train Once Again.....

Back onto the train this morning, I was despairing of finding any victims.  Um.  People to sketch.  I skipped the first train because it was full and I wanted to be able to plop stuff down to get my sketchbook out.  The SECOND train was TOTALLY empty.  I strategically plotted my seating, so as to sit facing as many seats as possible to be able to see faces instead of backs of heads (which while they MIGHT be a bit fun to draw, can get pret-ty darned boring after a few dozen times.)  So as I sat in my strategically-picked-seat.... everyone.  EVERYONE.  Sat on the same side as me.  Facing away from me.  I had to laugh.

 (02-04-2011.  Not the greatest of tries.  Pretty stiff and not at all cohesive as a group.  But hey, I told you I'd put in the ugly ones too.  These were the few people that I could catch with my superb mind powers to persuade to sit in a seat that I could see them well...)

(02-04-2011.  On the train home.  While it was way more crowded and so I had to keep my notebook a LOT closer to me to be able to sketch, there were a LOT of very cool looking people to sketch.  The personalities abounded.  I LOVED that hat.  Unfortunately, people noticed the sketchbook so there were a few turns... which is why there are some body parts that are missing.)

While I don't necessarily look for the whole to be "cohesive", as I'd stated about the top photo... since I'm working on the lines, I DO get a tickle when the whole thing looks like it could be one piece.

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