Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Poor Eric. Many moons ago, he was nice enough to tell me "yes" when I asked if I could borrow him to sketch. I've sketched him probably..oh...what, three times? Four? (unlike others who I've sketched several times back to back) With several months in between. So he's become my gauge of sorts to see how I'm doing. I compare how I did this time with how I did before and see the progress, what I like, what I think I still need to work on, etcetera.

This time it was a bit harder, since I was working from a more dramatic angle than I was used to. The nose threw me a bit, and the size relations to each other shifted from the normal head-on version. I actually had to use a pencil and draw the basic shape three times before I could get it where I wanted. (This makes me glad that I listened to my friend T. when he suggested getting some drawing books by Burne Hogarth. I'm not too far into them, but I have a feeling this is going to help big time.) In the end, though, I believe I am satisfied with  him.

I'd also chosen him because I'd started thinking about adding more body into my sketches... to start working on physical proportions and the skeleto-muscular structure to get a sense of movement. I think this will be the natural progression of things... BUT as I found out with earlier sketches and again with this one... I'm going to need larger sketch pads. I made his head smaller, but was unable to make it small enough to add in more of his upper body. It all goes back to that loving to sketch the face and the details. If I had to make it smaller and get rid of the details, it follows that I'd have to make the torso smaller and I'd have to leave out the details there, too. And that's not where I want to be. At least not at this time. Maybe later. :-)

As an aside, Eric is really a very nice person. Don't let the sketch fool you. ;-)

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