Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Tonight I decided to go outside and peoplewatch, one of my absolute favorite things to do, and took my sketchbook along. I wandered around until I found a large intersection with lots going on. So I plopped myself down and grabbed my pencil and tried something that I don't do a lot of... sketching landscapes en plein aire. Aside from a tired butt from sitting on the cement, two trams full of people pretending that it was Friday night instead of Wednesday night, and a lot of traffic blocking the view off and on, it was quite refreshing. 69 degrees, the bar was hopping (there were a bunch of ladies and gents out there with their motorcycles... something that just recently started happening, but I think is really really cool, as I love motorcycles, and they use orange cones to block off the entire front of the bar to let them park there and eat out front on certain nights... Let's just say I gave tonight an A. A+ if I didn't have a persistent little ant/fly/whateveritwaswithwings trying to use my arm as a landing strip. It tickled. :-D

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